14 thoughts on “Day 9: Cold, Concrete Poetry, Epistrophe/Anaphora

  1. Your poem is clever. Like a rising thermometer, it’s fun to read from bottom to top. And at the top is where it’s warmer, too, since you’re in California there and now. I imagine this is nostalgic as well. You were where you were, and you are where you are. The trappings of winter might have been pleasurable, and now they are no longer needed. Is there a sigh to hear? Thank you!

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    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read it! I’m glad you thought it was clever, it took me awhile to decide how I wanted to shape it :). As for a sigh to hear, yes, definitely. However, not for a different location. I was thinking of last winter in California. It was extremely cold and I loved every minute of it. Despite the fact that I live in California and it’s practically summer year-round, I hate summer! California summers can be oppressively hot which makes for an uncomfortable season. I’ve always loved winter though! Thanks again!!

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