The system was never broken. It was built this way.

I can’t take much more of this hatred. My children are afraid and honestly, so am I. Don’t comply, get murdered. Comply and you still get murdered, but because it’s done by a badge, nothing will happen. Paid leave at the very least.

The value of our lives is determined by the color of our skin…it’s a crime to be black and it shouldn’t be. I mean in this day and age… it’s 2016 for fucks sake, how is this still happening?!!

How is it that when two white journalists got shot on camera last year the video was banned and all news channels refrained from showing it on air out of “respect.” But I can scroll through my Facebook and Twitter feed and watch countless videos and clips of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile being executed?! Where’s the respect for them and their families? Where’s the respect for the rest of us?

The feeling we’re feeling right now of constant dread, uncertainty, fear for our loved ones safety, uneasiness, changing of our daily routines, and anxiety… that’s called Terrorism.


I will NEVER post or share videos like those that I’ve seen in the past few days, but I will post this because this is how I’m feeling at the moment:



And this because sometimes I just have to tune it all out in order to be sane. I already have depression on a normal basis, and this hatred on top of all that, brings me down into the depths where sometimes it’s hard to return from:



And this because it’s time to mellow:


Be safe out there my people. Through all the trials and tribulations that you’ve faced in your life YOU ARE STILL HERE and at this very moment in time, you have a 100% survival rate. 



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